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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Personal Development through Critical Thinking and Spirituality

Personal Development through Critical Thinking and Spirituality

Combining the elements of critical thinking ( with the laws of Life, Truth, and Love (Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy) definitely leads one to higher manifestations of spiritual Christ-power that meet human needs in the way that Christ Jesus demonstrated. He said, "The works that I do, shall ye do also," and the deep understanding of spiritual reality and the Allness of God, Good, enable us to become effective disciples with the "signs following" that he expected.

There are eight elements of critical thinking ( that I have used in my daily spiritual life for personal development (although I like to think in terms of spiritual development more than 'personal').  These elements span time and space, are not barred by language or era, cut across any and every discipline, and have no limitations to their application in learning or decision-making.

Along with these eight elements of critical thinking, I combine the seven synonyms for God as found in the Scriptures and elucidated in Mary Baker Eddy's textbook, Science and Health. These synonymous terms for the I AM include: Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, and Love.

In my workshop on personal development through critical thinking and spirituality, these concepts are explored in depth, step-by-step instructions are given on the application of these items in daily life for personal growth and decision-making, and support for working through personal issues is given both during and after the workshop. Email to schedule a workshop or an individual healing session.

Let's now take a look at the nature of the I AM, God, as Mind. There is one God, therefore one Mind, illustrated by an analogy of one sun (for our planet) and the countless rays of light that create one illumination. Barring, for a moment, the appearance and conviction of many personal minds that are combined good and evil -- let's consider one infinite Mind that is all Light and all Good -- that would be God. Before the thoughts that instantly begin to fight with this concept prevent you from profiting from this absolute truth, put all personal sense and memories and fears aside -- just for a minute. Turn to this truth as one might turn to look at a huge, glorious waterfall to enjoy the sight, hear the thundering roar of its power, and feel the energy of the moisture in the air moving on to your face! Turn to this vision with your innate spiritual sense and take in the view of infinite soft Light "in whom there is no darkness at all" -- this is the true infinite Being that Jesus called "Father." This intelligent Light and Life is Mind. One God, one Mind (see Science and Health for in-depth teaching on Mind).

Now make a connection to this one Mind, God, that is all Goodness and omnipotent. Use the analogy of God as the sun, and yourself as a ray of light (S&H 361) that parallels Jesus words, "I and my Father are one." If God were the sun, you would be a ray of light. Just for a few minutes -- stop and think on this. Feel after this as your own actual identity. Don't let any thoughts creep in to darken this -- bar your consciousness of all else but this one thing. The Scriptures say, "Look unto Me, and be ye saved..." So turn thought to see the Infinite One of Light, all Good, all Intelligence -- then see yourself as Its own emanation or expression. If you can do this for even a moment -- and you can -- you have experienced the Christ-consciousness, and this consciousness of Truth "makes free" as Jesus taught. It heals. It restores. It lifts you into a higher sense of your actual being. It enables you to "let this Mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus" as the Apostle Paul recommends (Phillipians 2:5).

This is personal development on the highest level. Therefore, it is developing your true selfhood as "God's own likeness" coonsciously, that results in manifestation of good, and the best possible decision-making. As you feel after your oneness with Mind, angel messages speak to your consciousness, guiding, protecting, and directing. Listen for the intuitions. Think things out by listening to the divine Mind, your real and only Mind -- a truth that eliminates a margin for error and guides to the best possible daily experience.

For a workshop on this topic, simply email, or call 910-777-3905. Scriptural Study Center is pleased to offer this workshop in a way that best suits the needs of your group, and can be conducted in one hour, or stretch to a full-day or two-day seminar.

Here we have considered the concept of Mind combined with the critical thinking element point-of-view. In the workshops, each element and synonymous term are covered for most comprehensive personal (spiritual) development.

"Let this Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phillipians 2:5).

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