Applying the advice given from the "Mother Nature Network" on keeping resolutions, includes some very wise ideas such as telling others about your resolution to hold yourself accountable, planning milestones for yourself with rewards, and incorporating resolution action into your mornings rather than evenings if possible. Another thing, don't make your resolution too difficult or far-reaching -- it must be attainable -- it is probably a stretch, but that is good. Author Chanie Kirschner also advises those motivated for success to establish a habit with your resolution, to aim for three weeks of consistency, because then it is much more likely that it will stick.

For example, take my New Year's Resolution. It is to express gratitude to God upon awakening -- before I'm even out of bed. It's a great habit. It opens the day up for God's love to pour in more freely and abundantly. Jesus was always giving his Father gratitude. This resolution has a powerful impact on the day, and it ripples out in loving and healing energy to everyone.
Now take another look at your top resolution.
1. Clearly define your resolution and your purpose for creating it (write this down)
2. Tell someone your resolution (hold yourself accountable; possibly get a partner)
3. Act on your resolution each morning/day (be consistent)
4. Set milestones and rewards for yourself (use a calendar to be sure you do)
5. Track your progress; assess set-backs; recommit (this might be a journal by your bed)
6. Motto: With God, all things are possible
7. Start again as needed (fresh, new)
Wonderful Christian healer, Mary Baker Eddy, teaches the divine secret behind successful demonstration of good, and it's straight from the Scriptures. It's the fact that Man (your true, spiritual and eternal being) is now the perfect reflection ("image and likeness") of the One perfect Creator, God. With the understanding and realization of your true identity as God's own likeness, you are empowered through grace and Christ to definitely demonstrate whatever good resolution Mind has put in your heart. In humble affirmation of "perfect God, perfect man," the power of the Almighty is behind all your efforts for good. I ask in His name that your resolutions be attained and that you thereby are blessed, and are a blessing to others.
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