On January 8, 2018, Op-Ed Contributors of the New York Times, Michael Osterholm and Mark Olshaaker, assessed the flu situation as it stands worldwide. They warn of the probability of a global flu pandemic -- "occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high proportion of the population" (Merriam-Webster). Their message is that we are "not ready." They compare the conditions at the time of the disastrous 1918 Spanish-flu epidemic where it is said that between "50 and 100 million people" lost their lives, to today. The hope of discovering an effective vaccine, they say, is within reach of our technology, however, there is insufficient funding to accomplish this goal. There are four times as many people on the planet as in 1918, and transcontinental flights bring us into proximity with one another consistently, adding to the fear of disease spreading worldwide. The remedy in the form of an efficient vaccine in sufficient amount seems out of reach.
The purpose of the blog today, is to address this issue by turning those spiritually-minded individuals to the fact of an omnipotent, ever-present "help in times of trouble." Those studying the healing works and words of the Master, Christ Jesus, know the dominion he showed over every disease or sickness. He would not be afraid of flu, nor in danger of catching it. He said, "I am not of this world," therefore exempt from illness. He also said, "Ye are not of this world." What did he mean, and how will that protect you? Truth makes us free, Jesus taught. Your are not "of this world" because in reality, right this moment, you are purely spiritual. Spirit is the one true substance, and seeing this with your spiritual sense immediately begins to act practically on one's health and well-being. There is a "medicine of Mind" that Mary Baker Eddy expounds upon in her textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. The author healed thousands of people through her pure Christly prayer, and teaches us from Jesus' own words, how we can heal ourselves and others, too. Put on your Christly protection of increased spiritual understanding through your Bible study, prayer, and pure unselfish motives. Fear not, for the I Am that I Am is with you. Insist on the presence of God, Good; declare and feel that the Law of God, is the Law of Love, and is around you, your loved ones, and all.
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