Anxiety, depression, dementia, forgetfulness, and other mental disorders of any kind to any degree require the healing touch of truth, specifically the truth that God is the one perfect and infinite Mind that we reflect and express.
The "Health News" on, November 25, 2017, carries a story that recommends "a dose of nature" for those suffering anxiety or depression. One physician actually wrote a prescription that reads: “Five times a week… spend 30 minutes at a park near your home.” This is called "eco therapy." It is "nature-based." To breathe some life-giving, peace-producing, divine energy to that wonderful idea, let's consider God as Mind and Love, filling all space. Think of this as the very atmosphere in which you "live, move, and have your being" (Acts 17:28).
This term watch is given in the sense of being alert and being conscious of spiritual truth. We are to watch our thinking. Be consciously aware of your own thoughts. The aim is to think the thoughts of God, rather than general-world-beliefs, or thoughts imposed by others (well-intentioned or not). The belief in many minds, rather than the one perfect Mind, God, is an age-old belief that breaks the First Commandment. It is not conducive to healing mental or physical disorders. To heal, we must know truth. To base reasoning on the fact of one infinite God who is perfect Mind, is to access the spiritual power of Christ by knowing the truth. There must be conscious connection with this omnipotent Intelligence by understanding man's relationship to God. Think of a ray of light to the sun, and you see our true oneness, our actual, eternal relationship to perfect Mind, Love.
The Scriptures read: “ I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of peace...” (Jeremiah 29:11). Check your thinking. Does it tend toward peace, or produce distress? If you feel anxious or nervous, go to your thinking dispassionately. Observe your own thinking. This is critical thinking. The way to have the thoughts of God is to follow "the Way" of Christ Jesus who taught: "I am the way..." (John 14:6).
The Scriptures admonish us to “let that Mind be in [us] that was also in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 2:5). How can we do this? Know the illness of God, the omniscience of the one God, one Mind. Then know through spiritual understanding that "man" (God's true reflection, image and likeness, your real self) reflects that Mind (Genesis 1:26). To manifest more of the truth of perfect limitless Mind, we must know this truth. Jesus declares a divine and universal Law when he instructs us to "know the truth," because this knowing will "make [us] free" (John 8:32).
This particular truth of one God, one Mind -- keeping the First Commandment -- comes into manifestation in our experience to free us from mental issues whether they be anxiety, dementia, forgetfulness, insanity, or any other type of mental disorder. The one Mind, God, is perfect, all-knowing Intelligent I AM; man is the "image and likeness" of this one Mind. That Mind is our Mind. If we need to pray for someone with a mental disorder, this is the truth that is needed for demonstration. Rest thought on that individual and use spiritual sense to see him or her as the spiritual likeness and reflection of the one perfect Mind, God.
Distressing, confusing, or fearful thoughts are not from God, and therefore have no real source or power. Reject so-called thoughts that are negative or limited unless you want to suffer from these beliefs that otherwise have no power to harm or restrict you. Keep the Commandment, one God, and you have one Mind, God. Just as a reflection on a still lake shows forth all that is around and above it, you show forth and experience the intelligence and peace of the Mind that is God.
In the textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, the author explains that keeping the First Commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me," through a spiritual understanding of God, will heal anything. She proved this teaching through her amazing healing work. Helping others through prayer at-one with God, Mind, and in line with Jesus' instructions and example, she demonstrated the power of this truth thousands of times in instantaneous healings. Many unfortunate individuals were released to mental freedom, even after years of insanity. She followed Jesus' teachings and example. Christ Jesus healed everything, and he said, "The works that I do, shall ye do also." He healed countless multitudes through the power of God, Mind, his Father, our Father.
Jesus said to ask the Father in his name, and that we would then do the works, the healing works, as he did. In this way we glorify God, the truth of one Being, one Mind, one perfect Love ever-present and expressed in each one of us.
The one Mind is our Mind. When evil attempted to trick its way into Jesus' consciousness, he totally resisted it any entrance. Jesus completely shut out the suggestions of evil when tempted in the wilderness (Matthew chapter 4). He gave us the perfect example of how to protect our thought from intrusive, negative, or limited thinking. He quoted Scripture as omnipotent Law, and so can we. In the final temptation, he commanded: “Get thee hence, Satan.” There are times when the onslaught of beliefs try to take over, and they need forcible expulsion. Get thee hence! any thoughts opposed to purity, peacemaking, health, or abundance!
“Draw nigh to God,” the perfect Mind that you reflect, “and He will draw nigh to you.”
Watch — carefully guard consciousness concerning yourself, body, home, family, pet, belongings, job or career, finances, and the most precious: your pure spirituality. Declare only for that which you would have manifested in your experience, and in the experience of those around you.
Declare for one perfect Mind and one full and perfect reflection. Stick to this no matter what things look like, no matter how long an opposing thought or belief has been repeated or placed upon you, and things will change. One God, one Mind, and that Mind is your Mind.
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