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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Spiritual Eye on El Salvador

Spiritual Eye on El Salvador

In El Salvador, violence has flared up to an unimaginably high level. Last month, BBC News reports, street gangs" left 907 people dead" -- a number "unheard of since the civil war of the 1980's." What is going on? Merciless clashes between gangs and confrontations with security forces endanger everyone. The old truce between major gangs is no longer in force. BBC informs us that there are about 70,000 gang members in El Salvador, and the government is "tackling them head-on." Let us tackle them metaphysically with the Light of Christ, the omnipotence of the presence of Love -- the exact opposites of the appearance -- the true antidote.

Army troops have joined with law enforcement officers in attempts to mitigate the onslaught, but still it continues. Gang members, for example, ordered bus drivers to go on strike; those who resisted were killed. President Ceren has sent troops to the worst areas, but still the savagery continues. The entire region desperately needs the power of Love and reformatory forgiveness to come with strong arm and control the situation. The need to curtail the brutality and bloodshed calls on each one of us to take some form of action. A spiritual response can reach farther into the situation, and do more good, than anything humanly contrived, and will act to support all right motives and good endeavors.

The problem of murderousness and savagery has plagued the world for millennia. In ancient times, King David wrote prayers and petitions about it in the Psalms: "Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man; which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war. ... Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked: preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings" (Ps. 140:1, 2, 4). The Psalmist provides a model for prayer, petition, protection, and peace. The advancing thought, stemming from David (righteous Hebrew king and musician of praise), progressed directly to the appearing of Jesus, and continues to move forward to each of us as we come under the government of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah prophesied the power of the Christ as seen in Jesus and which is destined to be perpetuated in us, "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this" (Isa. 9:7).  The zeal, or energy, of divine Love, the I AM, performs the needed action through omnipotence that shines as a light in individual consciousness, whose brilliance causes dark, violent thoughts to vanish -- displaced by the ever-present peaceful Presence. Violence is a deep black shadow, but no matter how dark or how longstanding, shadows and darkness, are immediately and effortlessly displaced at the coming of light.

The Scriptures proclaim that God is Light and there is nothing dark nor evil in Him (I John 1:5).

ACTION STEP. To save lives, to save both victim and villain from misery, grief, and pain, let us send in the real and eternal 'troops'  -- the angels of His Presence. How can we do this?  We prayerfully meditate upon that Light which fills all space, the Light of Christ. Let us affirm and realize that this Christly Light of Love is already present in the worst places on earth, lighting the most violent consciousness, and that this realization is now saving and sparing the innocents. There is no limit, process, or time required for the angels of His Presence to appear and operate with their saving power. Jesus instructed us to bless our enemies. We ask that this collective prayer of Light permeate the consciousness of every gang member, as well as every innocent one in the vicinities of turmoil. We ask that the power of peace (that cannot be withstood), illumine and awaken every individual to their true being in God's likeness (Gen. 1:26). We ask for the healing energy that comes from realization of omniscient Light that continually shines in the heart of man causing violent propensities to disappear, and brotherly love and care to become more evident.

BBC News. "El Salvador violence up to civil war-era level." 2 September

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