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Thursday, August 20, 2015

China Explosion: How to Help in Prayer

Cyanide: Protection and Healing

MSN News update on the Tianjin, China, explosion this past week, reports that the Tianjin environmental protection bureau has found "within the cordoned-off area around the blast site," cyanide levels with the "highest reaching 356 times" that which is allowed.

Clearly, one of the most urgent issues to be addressed concerns the effects of this lethal chemical on human life. Is there any hope of protection or healing? From a spiritual viewpoint that all is possible to God, the answer is yes. Jesus taught that knowing truth (spiritual facts) would make us free (exempt from danger, harm, sin, or anything unlike good), an axiom that points to prayerful affirmation of spiritual reality in contradistinction to that which is ordinarily accepted in physicality (John 8:32). The exact truth that counters poison or lethal chemicals lies in Genesis 1:31, "And God saw (sees) everything that He had (has) made, and behold, it was (is) very good." Since God's Word is eternal, timeless, and universal, it is most effective to pray with this statement of reality in present tense while letting thought move from the disaster and fear to contemplation of the infinitude of Spirit, God, Good, that fills all space.

God, I AM, sees everything He has made, and behold it is very good.

Please join me in a 3-5 minute prayerful meditation on the above spiritual fact, utilizing your innate understanding of God's nature and essence as goodness and Love. If all that He has made is good, evil or destructive substance is negated, and its ill-effects dissipate. Holding fast to the correct Scriptural view is now operating as a neutralizer or antidote in the China disaster, neutralizing the threat of continued harm. This universal truth consciously and lovingly maintained in prayer, acts as a healing balm that seeps into every pore of the ground and permeates each drop of water. It is a blessing on the water for purification, and a protection-blessing to those who experience contact.

This energy of truth is infinitely stronger than the 356 times quota; it carries the irreversible power of Love.


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