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Monday, November 16, 2015

Threats of Terror

There is a Psalm that is called the Psalm of Protection -- the 91st Psalm. In the shadow of terrorist attacks and threats it would do us well to pray with this Psalm deeply. The spiritual ideas in it are powerful and unlimited in scope and application. In this blog I will share the Psalm and something of its intensely powerful spiritual meaning.

Psa. 91:1 ¶ He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We are hidden in Spirit when we need to be unseen.
Psa. 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Go consciously into the arms of the loving One, knowing His presence becomes as walls that surround and hide you.
Psa. 91:3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. You cannot be trapped in some evil plan, or terrified by announcements of threats.
Psa. 91:4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Covered and hidden under Love's wings, you are protected by shield (completely covered), and buckler (small specific spot of protection).
Psa. 91:5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Night and day, the ever-present Love of God surrounds you.
Psa. 91:6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. Night and day -- God is Light, Love, Spirit, and the Christ presence abides around you, in you, through you -- and radiates out from you. 
Psa. 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Let all the fears fall -- "God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind" (II Tim. 1:7).
Psa. 91:8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Evil appears, but it is temporal; there is nothing real or permanent in evil; God is Good, supreme.
Psa. 91:9 ¶ Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; Because you let Spirit dwell in your consciousness...
Psa. 91:10 There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. No evil will touch you; your whole being is safe.
Psa. 91:11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Angels, or spiritual intuitions and messages from God, take charge of thought, and thoughts manifest in experience.
Psa. 91:12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Know, when something is frightening, that angels do surround you and that you will not be harmed. Trust.
Psa. 91:13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. That which would devour or poison or sting -- you have power to stamp it out -- put out all suggestions that anything has power over you but God, Good, Love. Trample down even a "dragon" evil suggestion or appearance, such as terrorism -- past acts/ future threats.
Psa. 91:14 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. This is God speaking now -- there is a change here. You have set your love upon Him -- He sets His love upon you. You are set on high -- in Spirit, even here and now. His name is holy, His name is Love.
Psa. 91:15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. God continues to speak to you here. He wants you to call on Him, and He promised to answer. The omnipotent Good promises to deliver and honor you. Just call on Him for help -- for everything.
Psa. 91:16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Long life -- not cut down short -- but long life, in fact, eternal life! Here God promises to show you His salvation -- to heal you, comfort you, and save you. 

As we approach Thanksgiving in the U.S. we are reminded to express and to feel gratitude for many things on all levels. I am grateful that this writing from thousands of years ago still exists in a form where we can access its ideas, and I am grateful that we each reflect the divine Intelligence to absorb its deeper spiritual meaning and apply it for safety and healing.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


The terrorist acts in Paris on Friday the 13th (2015), have been claimed by ISIS. One of the targets was a rock concert that they called a nest of prostitutes. Another, a harmless sports event. Innocent ones in a restaurant suddenly found themselves in a shower of glass and bullets. Hate and fear in this horrendous form of violence can never be met effectively by more hate or fear. It can never be effectively addressed by anything but its absolute opposite -- the love of divine Love.

Terror. From Latin terrorem meaning great fear, dread, panic, alarm. It is to fill with fear, frighten, or tremble. The Oxford English Dictionary explains that a terrorist is one who is "a member of a clandestine or expatriate organization aiming to coerce an established government by acts of violence again it or its subjects." The Bible exhorts, "Dread not." These were words of God to Moses, and they are words of God to us today. God says, "... be strong, and of good courage; dread not, nor be dismayed" (I Chronicles 22:13). How can we do this in the face of terrorism, its devastating aftermath and its future threats? The opposite of dread and dismay is Love, not human or personal love, but the Love that is the nature and substance of the Infinite One. How can we access this for healing and protection?

There are many survivors that need healing right now, physically and emotionally. Nothing short of Spirit's lifting consciousness up from the darkness and horror to the Light of Love will do this. Standing in astonishment is a natural reaction, but turning from that blackness to the Light of Life is the only thing that will bring healing, and bring it speedily. "Be not afraid of the terror by night" (Psalm 91:5). Many people who have been through war situations have leaned hard on this 91st Psalm, known as the psalm of protection. If you are ever going to memorize a portion of the Scriptures, this would be one of the best.The first verse reads, "He that dwelt in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." What is this secret place? It is the ever presence of divine Love that continually enfolds us. It fills all the universe with its living Love. 

SO HOW CAN WE HELP? Go to Psalm 91 and let your spiritual sense of its message comfort you and lift you from the depths of reaction to the horrors of the Paris attack to the love of the infinite I AM.  Go in thought, focus on the light of Love that is within, and Love will lift you to spiritual Light and power through His grace. See this energy of the Spirit of Christ resting on everyone touched by this recent event, bringing consolation and healing. See the Light of Love present -- solid present -- no one can get outside of it. 

Do not try to figure everything out. We have healing work to do, and comforting to bring. Thank you for your prayers and brotherly-sisterly love. It is felt. It is helping. It is healing. It is consoling. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Continuing Refugee Crisis: Continuing Love

As refugees continue to be in crisis, reports and photos keep the world aware of their needs and expose the amount of help offered from various countries. Lebanon has accepted an incredible one million refugees this year, while Germany has received over 570,000. Meanwhile the United States has stuck to its quota of 70,000, to be increased, but not until 2017. Starving, begging, homeless or poorly housed refugees do not have the ability to wait. Borders are closing on them, and desperate people continue to use often dangerous water routes to get around these.

While survival for one's self is a huge motivator and force, parental care for children in extreme need or danger drives individuals to the limits. There are things we will do for the sake of our innocent little ones that we might not otherwise attempt. Behind the courage or daring of this is the pureness of Love, and this higher power of divine Love is what we must call on in prayer to remove obstacles and bring the needed things.

WHAT WE CAN DO. Affirming together that the energy of Love and Spirit is present and can do all things, prayerfully meditate for at least a few minutes to realize the protecting power and Light of the Christ surrounding all of God's children -- and we all are God's children. The practical result is safety and supply. Affirm that your spiritual realization is operating now as a Law that is healing and saving for the refugees, opening the way, feeding their hearts and feeding them needful food. As you pray and rise to the energy of Spirit or Soul, know that your prayer is "not in vain in the Lord" (I Cor. 15:58). You have a direct impact for good on those little ones who need it most -- even just three minutes. We are a collective force for good that reaches those our prayer rests upon whether near or really far, whether we know the ones we are knowing Truth for, or not. Love encircles those of our intention and comforts them right now.
New York Times, Nov. 8, 2015

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Food and Spiritual Grace

The Health/food section of BBC News reexamines the recurring question of what foods are good for us versus those that might harm. Once again, the diametric changes in opinions on this topic are observed incredulously. 

The article, "Are Any Foods Safe to Eat?" poses these startling inquiries: "Is bacon really as bad for you as cigarettes? Will coffee give you a heart attack? Do wheat-eaters suffer - 'brain fog'?" 

The deeper issue, beyond chemical properties of material food, lies in our emotional responses to it -- pleasure, fear, threat, sad memories, indignation as to what was done to obtain the food, the attitude of the one cooking or making your food, and so forth. It has been shown that if one eats while angry, the chemical properties of the food become toxic. 

My daughter and I went to a deli for a sandwich to split. The woman who was making it became very surly and said mean words. We both decided that we did not want to eat that sandwich. Taking in food is really taking it, as an idea, into your consciousness. It should not be eaten when in the midst of negativity either around you or within  you. 

Maybe saying "grace," besides expressing gratitude, is a protection. Saying "grace" requires grace. Grace dissipates negativity, sadness or anger. I like to say that whatever the food is, it is an idea of God (the Creator of all) and therefore can only bless me. It is a protective grace.

Lift your sense of food up from the material to the idea of nurturing and feeding consciousness by Spirit. Try to have love and positive thoughts and feelings surround your food. This is more important than the information on labels or changing beliefs of nutritionists or new findings of research. 

Grace: Thank You, I AM THAT I AM, for this idea of food that can only bless me. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Care for the Dying

Care for the Dying.  The word Hospice (from hospitality) was originally a term used for a place where tired or sick travelers could find shelter and care. In 1948, it was applied to care for dying patients by Dr. Dame Saunders, and became a generally accepted term in 1963 when she presented her concept of specialized care at Yale. 
The online journal, Medical Daily, explains that palliative care for those suffering terminal conditions can "improve their quality of life by relieving pain and other symptoms," but there are substantial gaps in the provision of this care"At the end of 2014, 67 percent of hospitals with 50 beds or more had palliative care programs," this article reports. 
Although there has been great improvement, there is still limited access to palliative care for Americans today, especially in the Southern portion of the country.

Of the multitudes who came to Jesus for healing, tens of thousands were in conditions considered incurable and with little or no hope for care, comfort or support. No wonder they flocked him and pressed to touch him. One woman thought that if she could just come from behind him and touch the edge of his robe, she would be healed -- so great were the number of instantaneous healing occurring around him wherever he went. She touched, and immediately was healed of a chronic 'issue of blood.' Jesus said that her faith had made her whole (begin with Matthew 9:20).

WHAT TO DO. Finding oneself in a desperate situation with no access to palliative care does not mean no care is available, for Jesus said that the Christ would be with us "alway" (Matthew 28:20). One translation adds, "I will be with you always, day in and day out, as you will see." The Love that is God, and the Christ presence are with you every moment, no matter how threatening or hurtful a circumstance or condition may appear. Turn your attention to that loving Presence with a desire for comfort and healing such as the woman who touched his hem, and you are sure to experience some benefit of good, if not full relief. 

Gratitude for Love's presence and care makes the human circumstances conform to that truth. If there seems no care present, affirm (often, with feeling and trust) that the Christ is right with you, within and without, day and night, caring for your every need. It is like opening a closed door to let in the full sunlight that is just on the other side of it. Open consciousness a crack by this repeated affirmation and expectation of good, and the Christ-light will flood thought and create a better experience for you. Nothing and no one can separate you from the love of God and His care for you. This attitude and purposeful declaration of truth will adjust things in your behalf for good. Give gratitude and receive.

Paul writes, "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, no height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:39).

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Road Rage: Presence of Peace

Road Rage is outrageous. According to BBC News, a four-year-old, Lily Garcia, "was shot and killed in an apparent road rage incident in New Mexico" today, October 22. What an unthinkable, unbearable, and senseless act -- how sorrowful. Lily's father told police that "the shooting was the result of road rage." The pictures of Lily show a delightful and happy little face of innocence.
Those who suffer from violent anger that erupts without control need to seek aid to find a more balanced, more peaceful, less threatening life. Some do go to therapy called 'anger management,' and get help, but a great many do not. Vehement anger is like a burst of destructive flame, and should never be anywhere near a sweet child -- or anyone else. 
In Ephesians it counsels us to "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and glamour, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. The question is, How do we do this? Whether the need is to heal yourself of spurts of anger, or to help another who may even be violent or get out of control, the underlying basis for a turn-around to steadiness and more peacefulness is the fact that God is all, God is good, and we are His reflection ("image and likeness" -- Genesis 1:26). 
God is never out-of-control angry; God is Love and peace. The Infinite is pure calm. He is never ruffled, never hurried, never disturbed, irritated, aggravated, or wrathful. God is pure peace and goodness. Man is His likeness. Our true identity is just like the Peaceful One. No matter how much evidence of rage is seen or felt, suffered or suppressed, the fact is that man is never in a state of anger, for man is the steady and changeless reflection or likeness of God. That which is in the mirror can only show forth that which is before it. God, the calm ever presence, is reflected by man at all times and under all circumstances. This is the truth that "makes free," and it is the truth we hold to in prayer when the opposite appearance threatens. 
I once walked into a home to see a new friend, only to find she had been beaten by a drunk abusive husband, and her children were crying in the corner of a bedroom. I had no idea she was dealing with that. Before I could leave, he returned home. Let me tell you, he was big and scary. I managed to get out to my car and was thinking I should call the police but my phone would not work. I prayed as hard as I could to know the truth of man as God's likeness, to see this drunk and enraged person as he really was -- the likeness of the Infinite Calm One -- peaceful and good. I pulled out onto the main road and was immediately stopped by the police. I was never so happy to be stopped by an officer. My tail light was out, but the real reason was so that I could point to the house and tell him that my friend was in danger. He left right away to take care of the situation. The result of this was that the man was forced to get help, the wife was protected, and the power of Love was demonstrated by the police officer's appearance just when it was most needed.
We must be wise on the roads, and wise in our dealings with others. Watch body language, and be careful not to provoke anyone, especially when there are children around. What can be done now? Lily's little four years of life and sweet joyfulness must leave an indelible mark of good -- it must be a catalyst for us to effect some lasting change for good -- it must not be in vain, but rather save the lives of others. It has caused me to write this blog, to share a most powerful spiritual fact about man's true nature that can help and heal, protect and transform. Pray to see reflection of the peace and calm of God as Soul, right where rage is burning, for that is the truth of man's identity and nature. Seeing spiritually brings protection and healing. Doing this will keep you and others safe. Road rage will dissipate. 
Lily is in the arms of the dear Infinite One, loved. Let us pray that her family feels the comfort of Love, and keep close with supporting thoughts and truth.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Arctic Drilling, Polar Bears, and Dominion

The Arctic region has protected itself by yielding less than desirable results in recent testing for offshore oil and gas.  Environmentalists, and especially, polar bears, are quite happy over this finding which has caused cancellation of "two potential Arctic offshore lease sales" as well as any extensions on current leases. The expense and dangers of arctic drilling further aid in the protection of this area. The Scriptures say that man was given "dominion over all the earth," but does not mean to exploit it or bring harm to the environment or the creatures it sustains. (Gen. 1:26). The idea of "dominion" given in Genesis is more in line with care giving, and wise use of resources provided. To "subdue" the earth infers that man makes it productive and good, but surely this does not include destruction, contamination, or ruin. There is nothing in the nature of God as presented in the first account of creation (Genesis 1:1 - 2:4) that would occasion any necessity for ruin or imbalance. God calls all into being by His word, "Let there be..." and everything is pronounced "good" (1:31). However dominion is interpreted, surely it must be in line with God's true nature of Love.

WHAT CAN WE DO? Prayerful meditation on the reality of spiritual being, the true nature of Love filling all space and protecting all the innocent ones, will support all right endeavors and bring healing to our planet.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Mass Shootings: Consolation and Spiritual Protection

Mass shootings = mass sorrow, fear, and worry.

Many conjecture over the causes of the mass shootings witnessed in the U.S. recently, in places of honor where one should feel particularly safe -- colleges and churches.

Professionals from various disciplines look for a common thread for the purpose of possible prevention of future episodes of such tragedies. The shock and sorrow affects us all.

The cause, a disturbed mind, certainly distills the problem into the mental realm, making it apparent that the remedy, the safeguarding, must be in a way that addresses and reaches thought. Nothing occurs but that it is first in thought.

WHAT CAN WE DO? Consider that the one Source of all conscious awareness is the one intelligent Creator, or Mind of God. Prayer that affirms this one Intelligence to be all-good and all-powerful begins to immediately radiate out to all mankind in truth that produces only good.

Rather than condemn individuals, pray that the light of Mind, the Christ, rises up in their consciousness to destroy the disturbance or darkness that leads to criminal and violent acts.

The one Creator loves all of His own children, and that Love shines in the most dismal blackness. The light of Love shines in the consciousness of one who might contemplate violence to negate that suggestion before it ever takes hold and turns to action. The light of Love shines in the consciousness of any who have been victimized to lift them to His bosom by His great heartbeat of affection. The light of Love does wonders, it heals, it forgives, it protects, it prevents, it comforts, and it restores. Be still and breathe in the radiance of this Light, then see it softly resting on everyone everywhere.

Your prayer, your affirmation of truth, is not in vain, but powerful and saving.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Weather: Peace, be Still

WEATHER: Peace, be still 

The weather channel serves us well in reporting factual information regarding storms, road conditions, and so forth. Today's headline is distressing:"Life-Threatening, Potentially Historic Flash Flooding in South Carolina, North Carolina, West of Hurricane Joaquin."
The report explains that "relentless onshore winds and potentially unprecedented rainfall ... over the next several days for many states on the U.S. East Coast" is resulting in serious flooding that will only continue to increase. The ominous report adds that the result of these weather conditions is "life-threatening" and "potentially historic" in the amount of rainfall, in many areas of South Carolina and North Carolina.
How can we effectively pray to be protected and to extend that power of prayer to those suffering these extraordinary conditions? Jesus explains that we must build upon a rock -- a solid, immovable foundation -- and that rock is Christ, it is the presence of God in expression to heal and save as he demonstrated. He explains, "And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock" ( Matt. 7:25). 
To build one's house (which means metaphysically and spiritually -- and in Hebrew literature -- one's consciousness) upon a rock, is to hold thought in continual awareness of the presence and the power of Spirit, divine Love. Base thought on the safety of the Christ-presence and this truth will manifest in security through the most untoward conditions. It will affect your environment for good. You will not fall. Your right spiritual understanding of this will extend to those around you as seen in the stilling of the storm by Jesus that saved all the small ships in the surrounding area (read below). 
Mark 4:35-41 (Bible in Basic English)
And on that day, when the evening had come, he said to them, Let us go over to the other side. 
And going away from the people, they took him with them, as he was, in the boat. And other boats were with him. 
And a great storm of wind came up, and the waves came into the boat, so that the boat was now becoming full. 
And he himself was in the back of the boat, sleeping on the cushion: and they, awaking him, said, Master, is it nothing to you that we are in danger of destruction? 
And he came out of his sleep, and gave strong orders to the wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be at rest. And the wind went down, and there was a great calm. 
And he said to them, Why are you full of fear? have you still no faith? A
nd their fear was great, and they said one to another, Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea do his orders? 
To have true spiritual power in our prayer to manifest good, to protect, save, and heal, we must realize the one infinite Mind or Intelligence, God, who is all Good -- focus thought on that in deep meditative prayer -- and then see ourselves reflecting this. In this way, the pure truth "that makes free" fills consciousness. This reflected, realized truth from God is a law to any situation for good. In this state of thought, say as the Master, "Peace, be still," and then turn it all to God's power in full trust that good is manifesting. This seems a simple thing, and it is, but it must be done, the same as flicking on a light switch must be done to fill a very dark room with immediate light. "Peace, be still," are words from the divine, gentle, omnipresence, and knowing this will manifest in at least some degree of calm, and may in fact, be life-saving for those caught up in the weather. 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Negotiations and Power of Prayer

Diplomatic Negotiations at the UN for Syria

BBC News reports that over "200,000 Syrians have been killed since the country erupted into civil war in 2011, and Islamic State took control of swathes of the country in 2014."

Mr. Assad stands accused of "indiscriminate bombing in rebel-held areas" whereby his own people suffered tremendous loss of life and property. Due to this issue, Leaders of France, England, and the United States have not been willing to negotiate any kind of peace deal that included Assad remaining in power, a stand resisted by Russian President Putin. Now, because of the intensity of the refugee situation, "European leaders gathering at the UN are intensifying calls for a diplomatic push in Syria," with the possibility of Assad temporarily remaining in power during a transition as a compromise to enlist fuller cooperation.

In the book of Hebrews, Paul writes of faith and its power to procure justice. "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for" (Hebrews 11:1). 

32 And what more shall I say? Paul asks. "I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, 33 who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies" (11:32-34).


While most of us cannot personally appear in the UN to argue our insights or ideas, yet we can exercise our presence for good through prayerful realization of the omnipresence of God, Love, Spirit, there in the midst. Our individual and collective power of faith in the attributes of justice and mercy in operation through the higher Law of God is present to affect and influence the negotiations and outcome in fairness and wisdom. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pardons and Freedom

Pardons in Egypt: Journalists and Protesters

Today, Wednesday, September 23, brings incredible relief to 100 imprisoned young people, through the pardon of Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi. Tomorrow Sisi addresses the UN General Assembly. 

Two journalists, named in particular, are the Canadian, Mohammed Fahey, and the Egyptian, Baher Mohamed. They were to serve 3 more years in prison after the retrial held a month ago. BBC News explains, "Prosecutors accused them of collaborating with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood after the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi by the military in 2013. The journalists denied the allegation and said they were simply reporting the news." All hope that the Australian correspondent, Peter Greste, has been included in the pardon. Let us keep all the innocents serving sentences in our hearts and prayers, affirming the presence of divine Love and justice that does literally fill all space. Let us affirm that its omnipresence and omniaction is in operation as Law that meets our needs and sets us free.

The Apostle, Paul, was often put into prison (as we read in Acts), and always the presence of the Christ was with him, seen in multifarious forms of blessings and help for himself and all who came into contact with him. 

WHAT TO DO: To help those not yet pardoned, please take 5 MINUTES to prayerfully meditate on the presence and active Law of divine Love encircling, encompassing, and embracing them during this hardship. Realize, even for one moment, that these innocent ones are being comforted by Christ and cannot be confined. Let your thoughts of Love's presence rest on their waiting families as well. 

MORE TO DO: Pardon = forgiveness. To enhance the power of this important work, choose one thing to forgive today, this moment, for yourself or another. Declare the pardon before heaven -- even if it is just of one small infraction. 

Visit my website: to hear selections from the Bible on forgiveness.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Metaphysical Fire Fighting

Metaphysical Fire Fighting

Supported and infused with metaphysical or spiritual power, fire fighting becomes more effective and more quickly reaches its goal of putting out the flames. The 16-hour-flight by Australian and New Zealand firefighters to Oregon to increase efforts to save endangered forests and more homes because "we must help each other," brings an added element of love to the situation, and love is of God, the I AM THAT I AM. The fires raging on the west coast of the United States are devastating and wildly destructive.

WHAT CAN WE DO? Being moved with compassion, with a pure motive as manifested in the firefighters from Australia and New Zealand who plan to spend at least two weeks in this right endeavor, we can each pledge two weeks of 'metaphysical fire fighting.'

WHAT IS THAT AND HOW DO YOU DO IT? Meta means above; this is a method of effective help that is above and beyond that which is being done physically, but which powerfully affects these right human actions for good. It is above the ordinary, connecting with the ever present spiritual energies of the universe that manifest power that meet the needs of our present experience. The method is prayerful meditation whereby the divine Law of Love is present and activated in situations or circumstances where one realizes it rests.

WHAT TO REALIZE IN THE EVENT OF THIS MASSIVE WEST COAST FIRE. There is a Bible narrative in I Kings about the prophet, Elijah. Threatened by Queen Jezebel, he flees to the desert and just 'gives up.' An angel rouses his thought and leads him to Mount Horeb where Elijah goes into a cave. He feels that everything and everyone is against him or has lost all faith in God. As he stands in the doorway of the cave, an earthquake occurs. In Scripture, an earthquake, when paralleled with one's thought, indicates an huge mental shake-up where changes in consciousness are inevitable. Since the only power in the universe truly is God, who is good, the only real effect of that earthquake is this essential mental shaking. This prepared Elijah for the incredible wind that followed. God is only in the wind that blows away chaff, that all-power that cleans consciousness and purifies. God is not in the earthquake or wind that seems so destructive. Finally, there is a FIRE. The Scripture explains that God was not in the fire -- God is not is destructive forces. God is only in the fire that purifies one's heart and soul. The Scriptures explain that God is not in the earthquake, wind, or fire of material appearing, therefore there is no real power in these elements of destruction. God is the only power. After these things, Elijah heard a "still small voice (I Kings 19:12)" This is where we are going in prayerful meditation to metaphysically fight the fires -- to hearing the "still small voice," or "sound of a gentle whisper," as one translation states. Remember, God speaks and it is done ("Let there be light and there was light," Genesis 1).

REALIZATION and peace are given by the Holy Spirit, through Christ, and the "still small voice" is omnipotent Love whose gentle whisper, "Peace, be still," is sufficient to stop destruction. As the winds and waves obeyed the Master, Christ Jesus, so this fire is now under the control of God's Law of Love bear witness in prayerful meditation. Quietly focus thought for at least 5 - 10 minutes on the "still, small voice," or "the gentle whisper," or "the sound of a soft breath," present to quench the flames and make them harmless.

...after the earth-shock a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, the sound of a soft breath (Bible in Basic English, I Kings 19:12).

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Sealed Out Refugees

According to The Wall Street Journal's article by Margit Feher, Hungary has now created a law "criminalizing illegal border crossings," with a boost from " a loophole in existing European Union travel regulations," to stop the influx of migrants on its southern border (Sept. 9, 2015). The penalty may be years in prison. 

A Bible narrative that parallels this situation may shed some spiritual light on how we can address this effectively. When Balak, king of Moab, saw that a multitude (the children of Israel) were about to overrun the border of his country, he was afraid. There were too many of them. He feared they would take over the whole land. He wanted to prevent their entry. Numbers 22:4 says that "Moab was distressed because of the children of Israel." The description in verse 5 says that "they cover the face of the earth, and they abide over against me."

Balak sent for Balaam who was known to be a prophet that could cause events to change according to his prayer. He commands that Balaam curse the people, allowing the king to "prevail ... and drive them out of the land" (22:6). God tells Balaam that the people are blessed and he cannot curse them. When forced to accompany the soldiers, the prophet appears before the king, and repeats that he cannot do anything more or less than God commands. Therefore, when taken to the top of a hill overlooking the mass of people heading for the border, Balaam blesses them. Balak, the king, is irate.
He blesses the people 3 times.

Where the Syrian refugees go, what borders they cross, what seas they dare, what guides they hire, what courage they muster to try all manner of escape to find home and safety for themselves and their children, these right endeavors are guided by the divine Intelligence and they are blessed in every right move under the motive of Love one for another. So long as the motive is pure, they are blessed. Nothing can prevent an individual from demonstrating home when his/her heart is pure and the motive is right. 

How hard would you try for your children (or loved ones) to keep them safe? What dangers would you face? If one way does not open, there will be another way, a better way. WHAT TO KNOW: The prayerful-meditation here is to get to realization of the presence and power of divine Love, its infallible guidance, tender protection, and the divine will that every one of His/Her sons and daughters be at peace and secure in a good manifestation of "home." 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Syrian Refugee Crisis

Lessons, Parallels, and Living Water: Exodus of Old Testament / Syrian Exodus


About four million Syrians, nearly half of whom are under 18, have fled, and continue to flee from their country after four years of a devastating civil war. This has created the largest refugee population of our time. A parallel from thousands of years ago is most useful in guiding us in effective prayer -- prayer that effectively causes the manifestation of good that meets human needs. The historical Biblical account concerns approximately the same number of innocent people; the Israelites who fled Egypt under Moses' command following 400 years of hard labor in slavery. 

The world is being moved to compassion. More individuals every day feel compelled to do something to help. Some needful steps that provide direct aid are listed in an article entitled: "Quick facts: What you need to know about the Syria crisis" (mercy To these right efforts we need to add the power of the prayer that produces the most profound manifestation of good, that operates as a law to meet the many and varied needs of individual refugees. In this blog we will focus on the need for clean water, and how practical spiritual truth realized in prayer can be.

Mercy reports that "in some areas with the largest refugee populations, water shortages have reached emergency levels." Moses led his people through the desert, and their sojourn lasted over 40 years. Early on, they ran out of food and water. In Exodus 17:3, the people, terrified, demand of Moses, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?” Moses prays for God's help, and the outcome can be read and studied in verses 5 and 6 (below). 

God's answer to Moses, to the one praying for a way that water be given to so many thousands in the desert: “Go out in front of the people. Take with you some of the elders of Israel and take in your hand the staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.” So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel" (Ex. 17:5-6).

Water came out of the rock, and everyone, including the livestock, had more than enough to drink. Metaphysically, applying the ideas of these verses to consciousness for guidance in prayer and action, we begin with, "Go out in front of the people." So what do YOU do? You are not going to literally go out in front of four million refugees -- but your conscious awareness of God's Presence being there -- send THAT out in the FRONT of this situation. God says, "I will stand there before you." God is Spirit and fills all space. God is Love that manifests in compassion. "I will stand there before you." We are to realize the Presence of the Omnipresent Love. 

Additionally, Moses is told to take in his hand (power of Spirit) the "staff" with which he worked an earlier miracle on the Nile. A staff is something to lean on. Think on other times when you have experienced God's help and the manifestation of things needed, and lean on that proof for certainty of your prayer and God's power to meet the refugees' needs. Further, Moses is told to take action, "Strike the rock." Don't just stand there. Do not neglect to go into some time of quiet meditative prayer to realize God's presence out in front, before all world thought and belief, above and before all doubt and fear. As God provided for the Israelites in the wilderness, so that same law of Love is present to provide for us today.

ACTION STEP: As you go to sleep tonight, think on the story of Moses striking the rock and the water flowing forth for all the people. Realize the presence of God, Love, in front of all world beliefs of lack, and His spoken word to bring forth living waters, clean water, water for the refugee babies, water for the moms and dads, water for all. It comes from the rock, Christ. The law of God, Good, behind this manifestation changes not, and is present now to do this. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Spiritual Eye on El Salvador

Spiritual Eye on El Salvador

In El Salvador, violence has flared up to an unimaginably high level. Last month, BBC News reports, street gangs" left 907 people dead" -- a number "unheard of since the civil war of the 1980's." What is going on? Merciless clashes between gangs and confrontations with security forces endanger everyone. The old truce between major gangs is no longer in force. BBC informs us that there are about 70,000 gang members in El Salvador, and the government is "tackling them head-on." Let us tackle them metaphysically with the Light of Christ, the omnipotence of the presence of Love -- the exact opposites of the appearance -- the true antidote.

Army troops have joined with law enforcement officers in attempts to mitigate the onslaught, but still it continues. Gang members, for example, ordered bus drivers to go on strike; those who resisted were killed. President Ceren has sent troops to the worst areas, but still the savagery continues. The entire region desperately needs the power of Love and reformatory forgiveness to come with strong arm and control the situation. The need to curtail the brutality and bloodshed calls on each one of us to take some form of action. A spiritual response can reach farther into the situation, and do more good, than anything humanly contrived, and will act to support all right motives and good endeavors.

The problem of murderousness and savagery has plagued the world for millennia. In ancient times, King David wrote prayers and petitions about it in the Psalms: "Deliver me, O Lord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man; which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war. ... Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked: preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings" (Ps. 140:1, 2, 4). The Psalmist provides a model for prayer, petition, protection, and peace. The advancing thought, stemming from David (righteous Hebrew king and musician of praise), progressed directly to the appearing of Jesus, and continues to move forward to each of us as we come under the government of the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah prophesied the power of the Christ as seen in Jesus and which is destined to be perpetuated in us, "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this" (Isa. 9:7).  The zeal, or energy, of divine Love, the I AM, performs the needed action through omnipotence that shines as a light in individual consciousness, whose brilliance causes dark, violent thoughts to vanish -- displaced by the ever-present peaceful Presence. Violence is a deep black shadow, but no matter how dark or how longstanding, shadows and darkness, are immediately and effortlessly displaced at the coming of light.

The Scriptures proclaim that God is Light and there is nothing dark nor evil in Him (I John 1:5).

ACTION STEP. To save lives, to save both victim and villain from misery, grief, and pain, let us send in the real and eternal 'troops'  -- the angels of His Presence. How can we do this?  We prayerfully meditate upon that Light which fills all space, the Light of Christ. Let us affirm and realize that this Christly Light of Love is already present in the worst places on earth, lighting the most violent consciousness, and that this realization is now saving and sparing the innocents. There is no limit, process, or time required for the angels of His Presence to appear and operate with their saving power. Jesus instructed us to bless our enemies. We ask that this collective prayer of Light permeate the consciousness of every gang member, as well as every innocent one in the vicinities of turmoil. We ask that the power of peace (that cannot be withstood), illumine and awaken every individual to their true being in God's likeness (Gen. 1:26). We ask for the healing energy that comes from realization of omniscient Light that continually shines in the heart of man causing violent propensities to disappear, and brotherly love and care to become more evident.

BBC News. "El Salvador violence up to civil war-era level." 2 September

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Refuge and Home

Refuge and Home

The ever-increasing wave of refugees seeking safe homes, pose complex issues for European countries who are so moved to provide shelter and aid. Yahoo News reports that "migrants and refugees to Europe from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea and elsewhere this year" are pouring into Europe, particularly to Germany, creating a huge demand for temporary as well as permanent housing. There were 400,000 applications for  asylum in Europe in just the first half of this year. More applicants hope to resettle and begin anew in the United States. While many government agencies and volunteers welcome and help these individuals, resistance remains, sometimes seen in destructive acts that delay rescue for oppressed families. The question remains, what about a country's own homeless situation? How can home be provided for all inhabitants, those already present and those who are coming in new?

The underlying idea of home, innate in each of us, remains forever a constituent part of individual and collective identity. Each one of us includes "home" in consciousness, a spiritual fact that must find expression in everyday experience. To effectively pray so that spiritual solutions become tangible reality here and now, we must cling to the truth that no one can be deprived of home any more than anyone could be devoid of free use of the number 4, or 6, or 1,000, etc. 

Home, metaphysically conceived, is one's specific and safe place in the universe of Spirit, or in the words of Christ Jesus, the "kingdom of heaven within" (within thought). The universe of Love is home to man, the spiritual image and likeness of God, and includes provisions that are appropriate and excellent from the Source of all being, the compassionate, divine Intelligence. 

To relinquish the ordinary sense of finite measure for the limitless and measureless truth of spiritual actuality not only aids in solving the issues of housing and help for refugees, but this unselfish prayer, coupled with true compassion, returns  good to you 10 to 100-fold.