An article entitled, "Reunifying? Many Young South Koreans say, 'Let's Not,' in the "How People Think" section of the Christian Science Monitor, explores the after-effects of the historic meeting last week between leaders of North and South Korea: "Establishing peace and denuclearizing the peninsula won’t come easy after seven decades of hostilities, to say nothing of the much loftier aim: reunification."
Seven decades is a long time. A gulf exists between generations as those with earlier remembrances and experiences include a very real sense of things in the past, while their children and grandchildren do not. The younger generations merely hear, read about, or study past events. What feels close and well-known, possibly packed with emotion, for an older individual, does not carry the impact to the younger ones. They are detached. Think of a major world event that occurred before you were born and you see that it carries no strong personal connection -- no personal memories from actual experience. This is one reason why the question of reunification of North and South Korea is not highly favorable to the younger generations. They do not remember unity. They were not there during the 1950-53 Korean War. A great deal has happened. The North and South have developed in opposing directions, and while there are commonalities, these are not sufficient for any kind of quick reunification.
Our prayerful assertions of Truth and energy of Love resting upon those involved (and ultimately this will involve each individual world-wide) brings the power of divine Law into operation to save, protect, and govern -- a power that overrules chance or random outcomes.
A first small step that is having a huge impact on many families, is the agreement between Mr. Moon and Mr. Kim "to resume temporary reunions between relatives separated by the Korean War and expand civilian exchanges."
A larger hope of South Koreans is that since their leaders are talking, this may act to alleviate the threat of war or a nuclear event.
Reunification would cause massive financial responsibility -- mostly on South Korea -- at an estimated cost of five trillion dollars. Young Koreans feel that there is too much difference, the divide too wide, to reunify, and are not willing to take on that kind of expense. How can we help this particular issue in Korea?
Yes, we want harmony and peace in the world; we want this because the divine nature includes it, and we reflect and express the divine.
Prayer that listens for Truth and insists on it, will bring the greatest help.
What is true here? In the kingdom of heaven, the reality of infinite Being in whom "we live, move, and have our being," there is no threat of war -- and the kingdom of heaven is within each one of us, and we within it. Peace is All, and already, within the infinite Mind that fills all space and comprises all being. This absolute truth is to be held to in order that the Law of Peace governs absolutely here and now -- "as in heaven so on earth."
In the reality of the Allness of divine Principle, Love, there is no imbalance or unfairness -- there is exact perfection, order, and justice perfectly in balance. All rests upon the Omnipotent One, the Source of all Good, Life, and perfection. Hold thought to God's Omnipresence that presses upon everything with absolute justice.
These counter facts are a law resting on the issues of Korea that will, and that do, affect the entire world. Every decision, feeling, action, agreement or thought has an effect on our experience, and it ripples out into the vastness of the universe.
Let us be the peacemakers that are needed in the world by rising to conscious oneness with exact truths given by the divine Mind and holding to these no matter the appearance.
The entire Korean peninsula is covered by the divine Law that adjusts everything in exactly perfect timing, and in exactly perfect and wise ways. Our job is to be still and quiet in order to get the spiritual realizaiton of this truth, and bear witness to it giving thanks. "As in heaven, so on earth."
This is not theory, but practical and powerful to produce good and safeguard our world.