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Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Days After Christmas

The Days After Christmas: Reflection
Scriptural Study Center

Tis the Days after Christmas and it’s time to reflect.

We have celebrated the birth of Christ, the Savior of the world. Has there been a profound and marked difference in our character or lives as a result? What about celebrating the birth of Christ, the Light of Life and Love, in our consciousness each and every day -- always a new Christmas Day, and a new Day after Christmas?

As the Christ is repeatedly born again to life and vivacity in our consciousness, things occur that very closely resemble the effects seen in the Gospel record of Jesus and his disciples, things in the way of healing, forgiveness, abundant supply, reformation, peace, increase of spiritual understanding, and closeness to God. These are wonderful Days after Christmas. I would expect that on these Days, such blessings appear naturally. In fact, they cannot be prevented.

Are we in debt the Day after Christmas? Or are we enriched? The Scripture instructs, “Owe no man but to love one another” (Romans 13:8). If we now “owe,” this can be remedied through freely giving (expressing) more Christly love, especially love and gentleness to one’s own self. Then careful love to family members (even the difficult ones who probably need it most or deserve it least). To increase supply, give more love, express it freely to all with whom you come in contact (even a crowd, or crazies in traffic). Throw a blanket of pure Love over all, and “judge not” (Matthew 7:1). Christ is present over all. Give it over to the Father. Judge not. Fear not. Just love.
Not what do you want for Christmas – but what do you want to experience the day after Christmas – that is our proposal for consideration and further reflection.

I would expect that if we asked Jesus how he would have us commemorate his birth best, he might refer us to his words already uttered and recorded. If you love me, he explained to Peter, feed my sheep (John 21:17). If you love me, he directed his disciples, keep my commandments (John 14:15). He commanded that we love one another, that we forgive one another, that we feed and help one another (Luke 6:37). These are the things we can give freely on Christmas Day, and the Days after Christmas.

What difference did this past Christmas Day make to your soul and to your life? Make it make a difference next year, this year, each day – today.

Plan ahead for this spiritual gain, this gift of Love, each and every day, and our Father will be pleased with you for these thoughts and their subsequent actions.


·       Who will we celebrate with? Extend thought more universally, purposefully
·       What will we celebrate? Not only Jesus being born Savior of the world, but also the birth of the 
     Christ-light as it sparks to life within us each day, whether for the first time, or the zillionth!
·       When will we celebrate? Not just in December, but each day of the year.
·       Where will we celebrate? In the “house of the Lord” or “consciousness of divine Love”* as  
     explains this concept -- together in the Allness of Spirit, Mind, Love.
·       Why will we celebrate? To show gratitude to God, and to express the Christ-nature within us in
     love one to another. These celebratory motives elicit healing, bring peace, and bestow the gifts of 

Let us resolve to prepare for Christmas 2018, and the Days after Christmas 2017-18, as more blessed and intense days of spiritual and practical goodness and action for ourselves, our loved ones, and the world. 

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